Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Spiderman 3 - Sie Sie Movie

I went to see Spiderman 3 with my colleagues and I'll try my best not to reveal too many plot points, but let's just say I was disappointed in the story. The action scenes were flat out unlike Spiderman 1 & 2 and the fight scenes were definitely worth the price of admission.The problem was the acting and the story. The movie could have benefited from chopping 20 minutes off the running time and the acting was wooden, especially in what were supposed to be heart rending scenes. Instead of a highly emotional scene, these scenes came off as over the top and the crowd laughed through these scenes.

Tobey Maguire contorted his face and scrunched it up into a tight little ball when he cried and it was more funny than it was sad. Maybe that's what Raimi was hoping to get out of those scenes where Peter Parker was running into relationship issues, but I don't think so. Kirsten Dunst was adequate eye candy, but I saw no reason to have the love quadrangle involving Mary Jane Watson, Parker, Harry Osborne and newcomer Gwen Stacy.

Too bad the acting between Mary Jane and Parker was so wooden. You just didn't get the feeling that the two were in love. As for the box office, I think the movie will do impressive business this weekend, but it will drop off significantly as word of mouth filters out. It will not do nearly as well as Spiderman 2 either.