Friday, July 15, 2005

People Confess: What Makes Them Fall in Love..

Most people have a hard "enough" time admitting that they've fallen in love with another, never mind explaining what brought on such "euphoria" in the first place (got this word from the dictionary.. - it means A feeling of great happiness or well-being) **smile** Even women -- the fairer, more verbal sex -- rarely go into detail about how their hearts were won. Maybe that's just because, according to an old Chinese proverb, "Couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking." Um, right!

Do you ever wonder what makes you fall in love with someone? (aha! question of the day!?) If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, do you know why you fall in love with him/her? What makes you fall in love with him/her? Do you ever thought about it before? I bet you do or maybe you don't, but again.. what.. what makes you fall in love? **deep thiking smile**

No doubt that everybody falls in love, but what actually triggers it? Mm.. sometimes you fall in love with someone without any reasons, you just fall in love.. I always asked this question to my girlfriend "boyfriend" - what makes you fall in love with her? Oh well! most of them said "I just fall in love with her, no reason. love don't need any reason why you fall in love". His answer striked me.. well, he got a point there but again everything happened for a REASON. There's MUST be a reason why you fall in love? There MUST be a reason what makes you fall in love? (damn! now I know that sometimes LOVE can just make you feel so fucking confused) **hehehe**

I managed to read some stuffs here and there about this matter, let's check it out what "outside" people have to say about this.. **winking smile** Here are their comments:

"I fell in love with my fiance, and I didn't even see it coming. One day I didn't get a chance to see her and found myself missing her smile, her laugh, her smell. You begin to recognize, expect and miss the way she does things or makes you feel. And then she surprises you, and you love her even more. I love the way she walks, moves, even the way she puts things in her purse."

"I fall in love with someone who can make me laugh, who makes me smile the moment I hear her voice or see her face, who can make me forget everything else going on around me. Her presence alone is enough to make me feel like the most important person in the world. (She should feel the same way about herself in my presence. It's a two-way street.)"

"Let's look at love like a body of water. To reach the deep end, you must first travel through the shallow end. With that in mind, I feel that initially there has to be physical attraction. It's also important to 'like' the woman before you can love her. I think when it all comes down to it, what makes me fall in love with a woman is being able to talk with her. Every guy I know who's in love has a story that sounds something like this: 'I think this could be it. The other night, we just talked for like eight hours with no uncomfortable silence!'"

"I love it when women can do guy stuff better than me. Everyone is a better driver than I am -- in fact, everyone's blind, drunken grandmother is a better driver than I am -- so that doesn't count, but women who do things like eating hot peppers or belching or enjoying war movies make me crazy in the good way."

There you go.. the comments. What do you think? So.. what makes you fall in love?

Note: Desmond, I hope noone "outside" there will fall in love with women ass as their main reason what makes they fall in love? **hehehe + winking smile**


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