Wednesday, July 27, 2005

may-day! may-day!.. i tot i saw...

** Woman using a dummy to wave to an admirer**

I was at the "TORCH" one day, and I was busy serving the customer. The moment when I lift my head up, I saw this guy with a baseball cap, khakis short pants and white collar t-shirt. Out of sudden, my blood go upstairs **hehehe** (lucky it is not blood pressure or what).. my hair all stand up (Desmond! I know you, by the time you read this sentence.. you be thinking to say something funny in my chatterbox or giving me a comment - and Desmond! not that HAIR!!).

As I was saying, he walked towards to the bar. My heart pounding like shit! Oh man! I almost wanted to ask him "What the fuck are you doing here?!" Something pull me back, and I was so fucking lucky I didn't say that. This guy really reminded me of my ex. Side view, long view, short view, back view (Desmond! stop it - not that way, ok) whatever-shit view.. he really reminded me of my ex. There I go again, the moment lead me back to my memory lane.

I started to think about my ex everytime I saw this guy at "Torch". Honestly, I just can't stop looking at him. His smile, body structure, his face impression when he talked.. everything reminds me of my ex. Well! thanks to Desmond... he gave me some guy tips on how to start a conversation. I told Desmond that I'm a shy girl. Mmm.. actually depands tho.. If I don't know that person, and that person happen to be a shy person, I will be "double" shy girl **hehehe** Anyway, I managed to start a conversation with him. I asked him "So.. who is leading the game?" and he answered with a smile. I never felt so nervous before and I felt it at that moment in time. Gosh! phew!....

According to Desmond, if he saw his ex gf, he will run away from them. And I just don't know why he would do that.. As for myself, I either walk over and say "Hello" or just ignore him - as if I don't even know him at all. It easy for me to say, ya! but I just wish I don't have to meet or bump in to them at the first place. Sometimes seeing your ex with another girl is stressful enough as it reminded you to your past and as for my case.. I just can't treat my ex as my friend cuz they are too special to be a friend. Mmm.. anyway.. at least this "guy" indirectly have push me to face my fears!


At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I said I'd go the other way if the chick looked like my ex coz I'd find it too spooky. If it was my ex of course I'd go talk to her la. If not it would be rude.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger syaq said...

hey you -iamjoe!!
who the baseball cap man.. Mmm.. for me to know and for you to find out :p

At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the one with the french cap. The baseball cap guy is the one who drives a car with the number plate ****


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